Here is a list of sources that I used and looked through to make this map.
Motortrends.com: This site not only lists different cars but also lists registared gas stations per state. Once you click the state, you then choose the county, then you choose the city, and then you will get a list of gas prices in the city.
WFAA.com: An article about rising gas prices in Texas during the month of November. http://www.wfaa.com/sharedcontent/dws/wfaa/latestnews/stories/wfaa071109_wz_gasprices.1f2bb5e59.html
Virginia Gas Prices.com: this site lists the gas prices for the state of virginia. It even put the prices on mapquest and made a Cholorpleth map of the state.
Fuel economy.gov: a government website which gives you a list of links for gas prices in that state.
Fuel Gauge Report.com: this last site shows the market for crude oil and shows the average price of gasoline for the nation during the year. The site allows you to select cities in the United States and look at the gas prices in that area.